zadigThe Silver Stallion

What's New at The Silver Stallion

This page lists all major changes, updates, additions, and deletions to The Silver Stallion from January 2013 to present.



14th January 2025 - Added scans and bibliographic data for a third binding color (blue) of the 1928 German translation of Jurgen, *Jur-Ger-1b.

9th November 2024 - Added a scan of William John Bernhard's letter-pressed business card to the index page for The Jewel Merchants in Lino-Cuts. Added additional scans and data to the page for the regular issue of The Jewel Merchants in Lino-Cuts, Hall G7.

13th September 2024 - Added bibliographic data for the seventh McBride printing of The Cream of the Jest, CoJ-A7 (K).

11th August 2024 - Added scans and bibliographic data for Reading Through Mists, by Asaf Meirav, a new monograph on Lud-in-the-Mist, RM-A1 (e), available currently as a Kindle e-book only.

2nd August 2024 - Added biliographic data for both versions of the fifth Kalki printing of The Cords of Vanity, CoV-C5 and *CoV-C5a. Added an internet scan and bibliographic data for the first printing of Hope Mirrlees's The Counterplot, CP-A1.

31st July 2024 - Added scans and bibliographic data for the signed, limited issue of Michael Swanwick's Hope-in-the-Mist, HM-A1a.

28th July 2024 - Added scans and bibliographic data for the centennial edition of Hope Mirrlees's Paris: A Poem, Par-G1.

27th July 2024 - Added a scan of the original print of a signed studio portrait of Mr. Cabell. This well-known photo was used as the frontispiece of Guy Holt's A Bibliography of the Writings of James Branch Cabell, Hall F2, and as the dust jacket illustration for Carl Van Doren's James Branch Cabell, Hall E7.

13th July 2024 - Added scans and partial bibliographic data for Hope Mirrlee's first version (c. 1965) of Moods and Tensions: Seventeen Poems, Moods-A1. Added scans and bibliographic data for the second version (1976) version of Moods and Tensions, Moods-B1.

10th July 2024 - Added bibliographic data for the fifth printing of Beyond Life, BL-A5 (K).

28th May 2024 - Up to now, the only copy of the ninth Kalki printing of The Cream of the Jest that we've seen is in one of those odd "not-quite-Kalki" bindings that are Kalkis in every sense except that they do not, in fact, include Kalki himself - the "Stallion Rampant in Every Member" emblem is missing from the front cover. We've now located a copy that does have the Kalki emblem in its proper place, so we have two different bindings for this issue. In keeping with our stated policy for these cases, we have redesignated the version sans Kalki as *CoJA9a (K), and designated the binding with the emblem as CoJ-A9 (K). We've also updated and corrected bibliographic data for both issues and added a scan of the newly discovered binding for CoJ-A9.

26th May 2024 - Added a scan and data to the entry for the signed issue of The St. Johns, TSJ-A1a, concerning the signature page of a copy of The St. Johns presnted to one of Mr. Cabell's stepdaughters. Corrected the data for Circular Sent Members of the Families interested, Hall/SS No. *A43, to note that it has previously mentioned in Edgar A. MacDonald's James Branch Cabell and Richmond-in-Virginia, 1993, Hall/SS No. *E34.

24th May 2024 - WE WAS WRONG! AGAIN! We previously postulated that ALL copies of the third McBride printing of Jurgen were in FL cloth. We based this on the fact that Bruccoli, in his bibliography, described only this binding, and because we had never seen a copy in B cloth. We now know that copies in both variants of binding cloth do exist. Since we have no idea of actual precedence, we have designated the variant in FL cloth as Jur-A3 (K), simply because it's the one Bruccoli described, and added *Jur-A3a (K) for the variant in B cloth. Added scan of a third binding color (brown) for the first Modern Library printing of The Cream of the Jest, CoJ-D1 (ML). Added a new binding scan and bibliographic data for the fourth printing of the revised edition of The Cords of Vanity, CoV-C4 (K). Corrected bibliographic data for the second printing of the revised edition of The Cords of Vanity, CoV-C2 (K). Updated Changes and Additions to James Hall's Bibliography: Part I - Works by James Branch Cabell to add *Jur-A3a (K).

11th May 2024 - Added bibliographic data for the fourth printing of Domnei, Dom-A4 (K). Added bibliographic data for the second printing of the revised edition of The Cords of Vanity, CoV-C2 (K). Added bibliographic data for the fifth printing of The Cream of the Jest, CoJ-A5 (K). Added bibliographic data for the fourth printing of Beyond Life, BL-A4 (K).

5th May 2024 - Added bibliographic data for the third printing of The Certain Hour, CH-A3 (K). Updated bibliographic data for the second printing of The Certain Hour, CH-A2 (K).

29th March 2024 - Updated bibliographic data and added dust jacket scan for the fifth Kalki printing of Domnei, Dom-A5.

13th January 2024 - WE WAS WRONG! We previously suggested that Hall's variant binding (in green cloth) of the 1932 John Lane Weekend Library edition of Jurgen, Jur-D10a (E) was a phantom. We were wrong. This issue does exist, and we've added it to The Silver Stallion.

30 December 2023 - Added scans and bibliographic data for the special paper issue of Hope Mirrlees's Le Choc en Retour, CP-C1a (Fr).

21st April 2023 - Added scans of the belly band for the dust jacket of the first trade edition of These Restless Heads, TRH-A2.This is the first time The Silver Stallion has seen this band, which as far as we can tell has not previously been reported. Also added minor revisions to the biliographic data for this printing. Added a letter from the Book Row Book Shop to the index page for These Restless Heads. Revised the data on the slipcases and added an additional scan for The Works of James Branch Cabell, Brewer 53.

8th January 2013 - 8th January 2023 - THE SILVER STALLION WENT ON LINE TEN YEARS AGO TODAY!

15th October 2022 - Added a 3rd binding color and a 2nd type of dustjacket for the 8th Modern Library printing of The Cream of the Jest, *CoJ-D8 (ML). Updated the dust jacket description for the 9th Modern Library printing of The Cream of the Jest, *CoJ-D9 (ML).

30th May 2022 - Added bibliographic data for the Del Ray paperback edtion of Something about Eve, *Eve-E2 (w).

28th May 2022 - Added scans and bibliographic data for a new Turkish translation of Jurgen, Jur-Tur-A1.

31st March 2022 - Added scans of the dust jacket for the 3rd Bodley Head printing of The Silver Stallion, Hall SS-B3 (E).

2nd January 2022 - Replaced the Google scan of "The Conspiracy of Arnaye," Brewer No. 98, with a scan from an original example.

14th November 2021 - Added a paragraph concerning A Grab[Horn] Bag to the index page for Sonnets From Antan, Hall SFA-A1.

23rd October 2021 - Revised and updated Changes and Additions to James Hall's Bibliography - Part II: Changes and Additions to Works Relating to James Branch Cabell.

15th October 2021 - Added scans and bibliographic data for the 1st English edition of The Rivet in Grandfather's Neck, Riv-B1 (E).

15th September 2021 - Added and/or revised bibliographic data for all Kalki printings of The Rivet in Grandfather's Neck, Riv-A3 (K) through Riv-A8 (K).

14th September 2021 - Added bibliographic data and one new scan for the Bodley Head Library edition (12th unillustrated John Lane printing) of Jurgen, Jur-D12 (E). Added bibliographic data for the 5th Kalki printing of The Rivet in Grandfather's Neck, Riv-A5 (K).

21st August 2021 - Added scans and additional bibliographic data for a nicer copy, including the dust jacket, of the 1st unillustrated John Lane printing of Jurgen, Jur-D1 (E).

20th August 2021 - Added scans and bibliographic data for the 6th unillustrated John Lane printing of Jurgen, Jur-D6 (E). Adding this copy to the site is a minor milestone for The Silver Stallion: we at last are able to exhibit all of the John Lane printings of Jurgen.

31st July 2021 - Added scans and bibliographic data for a newly discovered binding variation of the third Kalki printing of The High Place, *HP-A3a (K).

13th July 2021 - Added the remainder of the bibliographic data for James Branch Cabell: Three Essays, Hall E17. Added bibliographic data for On the Pleasures of Connecting and Collecting, Hall *E35.

11th July 2021 - Added "Propinquity," an excerpt from The Rivet in Grandather's Neck, to the index page to for Riv-C1 (E). This excerpt was originally printed in the December, 1924, issue of The Bodleian, the house organ of John Lane The Bodley Head..

2nd July 2021 - Added bibliographic data for The Cabell Scene, Hall *E30. Added partial bibliographic data for James Branch Cabell: Three Essays, Hall E17.

30th June 2021 - Added bibliographic data for James Branch Cabell and the Modern Temper, Hall *E25. Added bibliographic data for In Quest of Cabell, Hall *E26. Added bibliographic data for Cabell Under Fire, Hall *E27. Added bibliographic data for James Branch Cabell: The Richmond Iconoclast, Hall *E28. Added bibliographic data for A Glossarial Index to the "Biography of Manuel," Hall *E29. Added a scan and data for the dust jacket of James Branch Cabell, Hall *E16b.

29th June 2021 - Added bibliographic data for What Can Be Saved from the Wreckage ?, Hall *E36.

28th June 2021 - Added scans and bibliographic data for the paperback edition of James Branch Cabell and Richmond-in-Virginia, Hall *E34a. Added scans of the dust jacket for Sonnets from Antan, Hall SFA-A1.

27th June 2021 - Added bibliographic data for James Branch Cabell and Richmond-in-Virginia, Hall *E34. Added bibliographic data for James Branch Cabell, Hall E16, *E16a, and *E16b.

24th June 2021 - Added bibliographic data for James Branch Cabell: Centennial Essays, Hall *E32. Added bibliographic data for From Satire to Subversion, Hall *E33. Added scans and bibliographic data for The Best Short Stories of 1919, Hall B3.

23rd June 2021 - Added bibliographic data for James Branch Cabell 1879-1979, Hall *E31. Added scans and bibliographic data for On Strange Altars, Brewer A111 and *A111a.

22nd June 2021 - Added bibliographic data for James Branch Cabell: The Dream and the Reality, Hall A32/E18. Added additional scans and bibliographic data for James Branch Cabell: The Man and his Masks, Hall E19.

21st June 2021 - Added bibliographic data for Notes on Figures of Earth, Hall E11. Added bibliographic data for james branch cabell and arthur machen, certain anologies between their early works, Hall E21. Added bibliographic data for No Place on Earth, Hall E14. Added bibliographic data for Jesting Moses, Hall E15.

20th June 2021 - Added bibliographic data for Mr. Cabell of Virginia, Hall E1. Added bibliographic data for Jurgen and the Law, Hall E6. Added bibliographic data for James Branch Cabell, Hall E8 and E8a.

19th June 2021 - Added scans and bibliographic data for The Best Short Stories of 1919, Hall *B3c. Added bibliographic data for Between Friends, Hall A34. Added a scan and data for the dust jacket of the first trade printing of The High Place, Hall HP-A2 (K).

18th June 2021 - Added bibliographic data for Frances Newman's Letters, Hall A17. Added scans and bibliographic data for The Short Story's Mutations, Hall A40.

11th June 2021 - Added scans and bibliographic data for Contemporary American Novelists, Brewer A217. Added bibliographic data for James Branch Cabell: a reference guide, Hall *F23. Added bibliographic data and a PDF for The Booklovcr's Answer No. 16, Hall F16, and No. 3, Hall *F22.

10th June 2021 - Added scans and bibliographic data for Nonsenseorship, Brewer A31. Added scans and bibliographic data for Letters on Contemporary Authors, Brewer A129. Added bibliographic data for Johan Bojer: The Man and his Works, Hall B4. Added bibliographic data for The American Spectator Year Book, Hall B10.

7th June 2021 - Added bibliographic data for Prometheans, Hall A22, *A22a, *A22b, and *A22c.

6th June 2021 - Added bibliographic data and new scans for The Thirty-first of February, Hall A28 and A28a.

31st May 2021 - Updated, revised, and added bibliographic data for all editions, printings, and issues of Carl Van Doren's James Branch Cabell, Hall A11, A11a, A11b, A11c, A11d, *A11e, and *A11f. Updated and added bibliographic data for Books About Poictesme, Hall E13. Added bibliographic data for Little Verses and Big Names, Hall A3. Added bibliographic data and updated scans for The House of Lost Identity, Hall A14, A14a, and *A14b. Added bibliographic data for A Colophonic Proposal, Hall A33/E4. Added bibliographic data and updated scans for Program: A James Branch Cabell Evening, Hall E24. Added bibliographic data for GOUDY: An Acrostic, Hall A25.

30th May 2021 - Added bibliographic data and reorganized the pages for Mistress of Mistresses, Hall B12 & *B12a, to reflect both known binding states. Added bibliographic data for A Round-Table in Poictesme, Hall A8a, A8b, and A8c.

29th May 2021 - Added bibliographic data for Jamestown Tributes and Toasts, Hall A2. Added bibliographic data for Ellen Glasgow, Hall B8. Added bibliographic data for On Parade, Hall B9.

28th May 2021 - Added bibliographic data for O. Henry Memorial Award Prize Stories, 1919, Hall B2.

27th May 2021 - Replaced the scan of "A Note on Alcoves", Brewer 190, with an updated and more detailed one. Added new scans and bibliographic data for The Novel of Tomorrow, Hall B5.

24th May 2021 - Replacd the Google scan of "The Soul of Mervisaunt", Brewer 248, with a new scan from an original copy.

25th April 2021 - Added scans and bibliographic data for the omnibus edition of The Nightmare has Triplets, Hall NHT-Omn-1. Added scans and partial bibliographic data for a Portuguese translation of Hamlet Had an Uncle, Hall/SS *HHU-Port1 (w).

17th April 2021 - Added a scan of the limitation page for a second copy (Copy "G") of the lettered issue of the signed, limited The King Was In His Counting House, *KCH-A1b.

10th April 2021 - Replaced the Google scan of "The Story of Stella" with a scan from an original copy.

19th June 2020 - Added scans and bibliographic date for a third copy of Bernhardt Wall's A Visit to James Branch Cabell, Hall G4. We are not duplicating here, in case you're wondering why we are showing three copies - every copy of this title we've seen has been different in some way.

3rd June 2020 - Added scans of a better copy, including the dust jacket, of the 2nd English printing of Hamlet Had An Uncle, Hall HHU-B2 (E).

16th May 2020 - Added scans and bibliographic data for a 1992 Italian translation of Jurgen, *Jur-Ital-1.

24th April 2020 - Added scans of a 2nd copy of the pirate edition of Taboo, Tab-X.

23rd April 2020 - Added scans of a better copy, including the dust jacket, of the 2nd English printing of The King was in his Counting House, KCH-B2.

21st February 2020 - Added a scan of an original receipt for the Burlington Edition of The Majors and Their Marriages, Hall MTM-A1a.

15th October 2019 - Added scans and bibliographic information for the vellum presentation issue of Taboo in Lino-Cuts, Hall G6b.

12th October 2019 - Added scans and bibliographic information for the extra-illustrated issue of Taboo in Lino-Cuts, Hall G6a.

4th July 2019 - Added a scan of the dust jacket for the 4th printing of Beyond Life, BL-A4 (K).

10th June 2019 - Added scans of a better binding and revised the page text for the Times Book Club circulating library binding of the 1st English printing of The Eagle's Shadow, Eag-B1a (E).

2nd June 2019 - Added scans of a small paper copy of Joseph Hergesheimer, JH-A1, with the typos on p. 25 hand corrected, one of them by Mr. Cabell.

31st May 2019 - Added scans of Mr. Cabell's copy (No. 1) of Jurgen and the Censor, Hall A4. Added a scan of the front endpapers of another of Mr. Cabell's copies of the 3rd printing of Jurgen, Jur-A3, with another interesting note in Mr. Cabell's hand.

30th May 2019 - Thanks to some new scans from Ray Bonis, it's Updates to Jurgen Day! We've made these changes: Added a scan of the dust jacket for the eighth McBride printing of Jurgen, Jur-A8. Revised the designation for the 1928 German translation of Jurgen in the ivory binding to *Jur-Ger-1a, and added scans and bibliographic details of this printing in the green binding as Jur-Ger-1. Added a scan of a proof copy of the dust jacket for the first printing of Jurgen, Jur-A1. Added a scan of the front endpapers of Mr. Cabell's copy of the 3rd printing of Jurgen, Jur-A3, with a significant bibliographic note in Mr. Cabell's hand.

29th May, 2019 - Added scans of "Factual Fiction: Letter to the Editor on The First Gentleman of America", Brewer No. 121, a letter originally published in The Saturday Review of Literature, April 11, 1942.

28th May, 2019 - Added scans of "Books I have Never Read: A Symposium", Brewer No. 257, an article originally published in The Nation, November 8, 1933.

24th May 2019 - We've completely revised the section on The Judging of Jurgen. We've added new scans and bibliographic data to the pages for the wraps issue, JoJ-A1, and the clothbound issue, JoJ-A1b. We've also added a new page for the large paper issue, JoJ-A1a. In addition, we've included scans and data for a unique calligraphy copy in Mr. Cabell's personal library. We've given this copy the Hall / SS designations *JoJ-X1 (as a book by Mr. Cabell) and *G15 (as an art book).

We've also completely revised the page for Mr. Cabell's contributions to The Reviewer. We now include scans of all titles listed by Mrs. Brewer, and in addition we've included two titles not listed in her bibliography, but which have been identified as by Mr. Cabell.

19th May 2019 - Added scans of "Of Reverting to Old Friendships", Brewer No. 194, an article originally published in Shenandoah, Summer, 1951.

12th May 2019 - Two additions from contributors today. In the first, Professor Bradford Haas of Washington Adventist University answers our open question on the identity of "G.C.L.M.", the third dedicatee of E.R. Eddison's The Worm Ouroboros, Hall A13. The second addition comes from regular contributor Jeff Katz, who sent us some very interesting documents he found in a copy of James Cover's Notes on Jurgen, Hall E10. By the way, we owe Jeff an apology. He actually sent this to us all the way back in 2016 (!) but somehow we lost it until now. Sorry for the delay, Jeff.

6th March 2019 - Added scans and bibliographic data for the large paper presentation issue of The American Mercury, Vol. I No. 1, Hall A10.

24th February 2019 - Added scans of "The Happy Ending", Brewer No. 132, a short story originally published in The New York Herald-Tribune Magazine, January 24, 1932.

15th February 2019 - Added scans of a second state of the dust jacket and a better copy of the binding of the first revised edition of Domnei, Hall Dom-A1 (K).

13th February 2019 - Added scans of a second Small Paper Presentation Copy (copy "X") of Guy Holt's A Bibliography of the Writings of James Branch Cabell (1924), Hall F2/*A9b.

20th November 2018 - Added scans of the binding and dust jacket of another copy of the 3rd printing of Jurgen, Hall Jur-A3 (K). This printing was the first of Mr. Cabell's titles to appear in the Kalki binding. This copy is in much better condition than the one we previously displayed, and we can now show its dust jacket as well.

5th November 2018 - Added scans and bibliographic data for the clothbound edition of The Judging of Jurgen, Hall JoJ-A1b. Addition of bibliographic data for all titles is ongoing.

31st August 2018 - Today marks a significant milestone for The Silver Stallion. We started out our bibliographies by publishing scans and (in some cases) photographs of the actual bindings, selected internal pages, and dust jackets of books both by and about James Branch Cabell. While certainly not complete, we can claim to be quite well along in that effort. In addition, we've been working on the bibliographic descriptions as well. As of today, we have posted the bibliographic descriptions of (at least) the first printings of each of Mr. Cabell's titles. There are still quite a few later printings and variants that are yet to be described, and we have barely scratched the surface of books about Mr. Cabell and his works. We have no doubt that there are plenty of errors to be corrected, too, but after five years of effort we feel that we have made a substantial step towards producing the definitive bibliography we have always intended this site to provide.

6th August 2018 - We are in the middle of a major revamp of our sections on Kalki and The Cabellian, the two (sadly defunct) magazines once devoted to James Branch Cabell. We have substantially increased our previous coverage, and at this point we are about 85% complete. There are still a few things to do, so have a look at The Archives: Kalki and The Cabellian, but don't be too surprised if you find some holes here and there. Also, it's August, so we have put up new short story for the month, "The Delta of Radegonde." We felt, though, that last month's article, Some Jurgens and Cabell, contained too much valuable information to just throw it away, so we have moved the short essay on "Some Ladies and Jurgen" and its attachments to the Notes and Essays section.

26th June 2018 - Replaced the Google scan of Some Ladies and Jurgen, Brewer no. 245, in the Contributions to Periodicals section with a scan from an original copy, taken from the the website of The Modernist Journals Project, a joint project of Brown University and The University of Tulsa..

20th June 2018 - Replaced the Google scan of A Note on Alcoves, Brewer no. 190, in the Contributions to Periodicals section with a scan from an original copy.

1st June 2018 - Added a scan of the limitation page of Copy No. 1 of the Burlington Edition of The Majors and Their Marriages. This is the dedication copy to Ballard Hartwell Cabell, M&TM-A1a. Added scans and bibliographic data for two copies of Bernhardt Wall's A Visit to James Branch Cabell, Hall G4. We also added bibliographic data for one of the Trial Copies, Hall G4a (we posted scans of that copy previously).

30th May 2018 - Added a new entry (scans and partial bibliographic data) for the 1928 Dutch edition of Jurgen, Jur-Du-1.

28th May 2018 - Revised and expanded the section for The Romaunt of Manuel Pig-Tender, Hall E12. Previously, we showed examples of the 500 copy 2nd printing only. We still haven't found one of the 10 numbered copies of the 1st printing, but we are now showing an advance presentation copy (*E12b1), two presentation copies in the 1st printing state (both numbered "00", *E12b2), and a pre-publication printers' mock-up, *E12x.

27th May 2018 - Added a new entry (scans and bibliographic data) for the hardbound issue of the 1930 Czech translation of Jurgen, Jur-CZ-1.

18th May 2018 - Added scans of another copy of the 4th binding for the 1916 1st printing of From the Hidden Way, FHW-A1c. This is the unusual binding that has both the first state decorations and lettering on the front panel, as well as the later Kalki logo. James Hall was the first to report this binding. He quotes I.R. Brussel as saying that it was "probably unique." We now know this was incorrect, as The Silver Stallion has seen four different copies in this binding.

4th April 2018 - Revised the listing for Branchiana in the red binding, Bra-A1a. We've replaced the previous scans with new ones of Mr. Cabell's personal copy, now in his collection at the James Branch Cabell Library at VCU. Not only is this copy cleaner than the one we showed before, it is also in dust jacket, and includes an important note on the FFEP, stating that there were only ten copies (of 147) issued in the red binding. To our knowledge, this is the only statement of the relative scarcity of the two bindings that is contemporary with the book's issue.

4th December 2017 - Added a new page for the lettered variation of the limited first edition of The King was in his Counting House, *KCH-A1b. Added bibliographic data for all other printings of this title: KCH-A1, KCH-A1a. KCH-B1, KCH-B2. Updated the Additions to Hall's Bibliography page to include *KCH-A1b.

25th October 2017 - Added bibliographic data for the first seven printing of Figures of Earth, FoE-A1, FoE-A1a, FoE-A2, FoE-A3, FoE-A4, FoE-A5, FoE-A6, and FoE-A7.

23rd October 2017 - We've revised our descriptions of the various states of the 1909 Doubleday Page printing of The Cords of Vanity. We previously described the four states of this edition as four states of single printing. Further bibliographic examination has led us to change this: we now describe two separate 1909 printings, with the second printing issued in three different bindings.

15th October 2017 - Added scans and bibliographic data for a newly discovered Cabell broadside, Hall/SS *A43.

6th October 2017 - Added a better scan of the binding of The Line of Love in the red flexible binding, LoL-A1d.

2nd October 2017 - Added a PDF of the prospectus for A Round Table in Poictesme, Hall A8. Added a scan of a better copy of the dust jacket for the vellum paper issue of A Round Table in Poictesme, Hall A8.

24th September 2017 - Added some information about an interesting might-have-been. Cabell once proposed that some drawings by Aubrey Beardsley would make "admirable illustrations" for the upcoming Jurgen. Read the story here.

6th September 2017 - Added scans and bibliographic data for the 2nd Kalki printing of Gallantry, Hall Gal-B2 (K). Added bibliographic data for the 1st and 3rd Kalki printings of Gallantry, Hall Gal-B1 (K) and Hall Gal-B3 (K).

31st August 2017 - Added scans and bibliographic data for the paperbound issue of the 1930 Czech translation of Jurgen, Jur-Cz-1a.

27th August 2017 - Completely revised and replaced the section on Cabellian Arts. When complete, this section will include articles and details about Performance Arts (music, theater, and dance) and Visual Arts (maps, art books, illustrators, and cartoons and caricatures). So far, we have addressed only the Maps and Art Books portions of the Visual Arts. This is just a start on what promises to be a major section in the future. We'll add to this section as we can.

26th August 2017 - Added scans and bibliographic data for the special presentation issue of Cabellian Harmonics, by Warren A. McNeill, Hall A15a. Added scans and bibliographic data for Branchiana in the red binding, Bra-A1a, and in the buff binding, Bra-A1b. Added upgraded scans of a better copy and revised bibliographic data for the Burlington Edition of The Majors and Their Marriages, M&TM-A1a. Added a scan of the Roxbury Edition of The Majors and Their Marriages, M&TM-A1, in grey wraps, to compliment the copy in brown wraps we already show. Added scans and bibliographic data for the unsigned and unlimited issue of Branch of Abingdon, BoA-A1.

28th June 2017 - Added a scan of a better copy of the binding for the 5th Kalki printing of The Silver Stallion, SS-A5 (K).

4th June 2017 - Added scans of the dust jacket and a better copy of the binding of the 7th Kalki printing of Jurgen, Jur-A7 (K).

27th May 2017 - Added scans of a previously unreported binding variant of the 2nd John Lane printing of The Cords of Vanity, *CoV-D2a (E).

13th May 2017 - Added scans of the author's copy, in a unique binding, of Matthew Bruccoli's JAMES BRANCH CABELL - A Bibliography Part II. Notes on the Cabell Collections at the University of Virginia, Hall *F5-Special.

24th March 2017 - Updated the page for the 1926 first American printing of The Worm Ouroboros, Hall A13, by adding bibliographic data, scans of better copies of the binding and dust jacket, and adding scans of the elusive belly band.

20th March 2017 - Added scans and bibliographic details for a 5th Modern Library printing of The Cream of the Jest in a Style B1 binding, Hall CoJ-D5 (ML). Renamed the existing example of this title in the 5th Modern Library printing, which is in a Style B2 binding, to *CoJ-D5a (ML).

13th March 2017 - Added a new page to the Notes & Essays section - James Branch Cabell in the Modern Library. This page discusses Cabell's Modern Library editions and provides links to our newly uploaded and expanded sections on his ML printings.

8th March 2017 - Added an important new feature to The Silver Stallion - A Supplementary Bibliography of Writings About James Branch Cabell, 1975-2015. This new feature builds on the work previously published by Francis Brewer and Maurice Duke, and brings their lists of Cabell commentary, reviews, and criticism up to the present.

4th March 2017 - Added scans of E.A. Edkins' The Scarlet Cockatoo, which reprints the poem "Pronounced Cabell" (the poem apparently first appeared in The Chicago Tribune under Edkin's nom de journal "Ernie of Highland Park.") Added scans of Carl Van Doren's James Branch Cabell, Literary Guild edition, in the black binding, A11d. Added scans and bibliographic data for the first printing of Beyond Life in the "Italian chocolate" binding, BL-A1a.

We are in the process of overhauling the layout of The Silver Stallion, and have already made some changes to the index. Some planned features never actually came to fruition and have been deleted, while others have been reorganized under Notes & Essays. Look for more to come soon. We'll keep you updated here on the changes as they emerge.

26th February 2017 - Added a new scan of "Pro Honoria", Brewer No. 214. This was taken from an original 1915 copy of McBride's Magazine, and replaces our previous Google scan.

20th February 2017 - Added a front page link to a new essay on The Cream of the Jest by Timo Virkkala. Relocated Bill Lloyd's article on Cabell signatures to the Notes and Essays section. Added a PDF of The Judging of Jurgen, Brewer 163, originally printed in the New York Tribune, February 8, 1920.

19th February 2017 - Added a scan of the dust jacket for the 3rd Kalki printing of The Line of Love, LoL-B3 (K). Added scans of better copies of the dust jacket and binding for the 3rd Kalki printing of Gallantry, Gal-B3 (K). Completed and uploaded bibliographic data for all of James Branch Cabell's works published before 1920, and for which we have an example. With this, we are taking the next step toward moving The Silver Stallion to an actual working Cabell bibliography, rather than just a photographic record of the details of his different titles and printings. There is still a long way to go.

2nd November 2016 - Added scans of one of the seven Editorial Copies of Special Delivery, SD-A1c.

12th October 2016 - Added scans of a 1951 paperback printing of F. Scott Fitzgerald's *A42 The Beautiful and Damned (Cabell jacket blurb) to the Contributions to Books section.

8th October 2016 - Added scans of Edwin Björkman's *A41 Gates of Life (Cabell jacket blurb) to the Contributions to Books section. Added scans of a better example of the binding and a second dust jacket for the fourth Kalki printing of The Certain Hour, CH-A4 (K). Added a scan of a review slip for The King was in His Counting House, KCH-A1.

23rd August 2016 - Added PDF of "An Amateur Ghost", originally printed in The Argosy, February 1902. This replaces the reprint of this story that appeared in Kalki Magazine, Vol. vii no. 4, Whole no. 28, 1978.

21st August 2016 - Added scans of the Deluxe Edition of Special Delivery, SD-A1b.

17th August 2016 - Added PDF of a specimen leaf including four pages from Sonnets from Antan, SFA-A1.

16th July 2016 - Relocated "A Tribute to William L. Godshalk" from the index page to the Kalki Archives section.

15th July 2016 - Added scans of the 1938 Bodley Head Library printing (12th unillustrated John Lane printing) of Jurgen, Jur-D12 (E).

13th June 2016 - Upgraded and corrected scans of the article "Sanctuary in Porcelain", originally published in The Virginia Quarterly Review for July, 1930.

11th June 2016 - Added scans of the article "Sanctuary in Porcelain", originally published in The Virginia Quarterly Review for July, 1930.

7th June 2016 - Added scans of the 4th Kalki printing of Figures of Earth, FoE-A4 (K).

5th June 2016 - Added scans of the 1971 reprint edition of These Restless Heads, TRH-C1.

30th May 2016 - Added scans of the short story "The Comedian", originally published in Vanity Fair for November, 1921.

29th May 2016 - Added scans of the short story "His Relics", originally published in Ainslee's Magazine for November, 1909.

28th May 2016 - Added scans of the short story "A Casual Honeymoon", originally published in Ainslee's Magazine for May, 1906.

19th April 2016 - Added scans of the 7th Kalki printing of Jurgen, Jur-A7 (K). Added scans of *F23, James Branch CABELL: a reference guide, by Maurice Duke.

14th February 2016 - Added scans of the dust jacket for the 4th Kalki printing of Something About Eve, Eve-A4 (K).

9th February 2016 - Added scans of the 6th Kalki printing of Jurgen, Jur-A6 (K).

16th January 2016 - Added scans of a 1997 German edition of Figures of Earth: Die Legende von Manuel, *FoE-Ger-2.

31st December 2015 - Added a new binding color (red) and additional information to the page for the 3rd Modern Library edition of Beyond Life, BL-B3 (ML). Added scans of the 4th and 5th Modern Library printings of The Cream of the Jest, Hall CoJ-D4 (ML) and CoJ-D5 (ML). Added scans of the 4th Modern Library printing of Anatole France's The Queen Pedauque, Hall *A7c. Added scans of a better copy of the binding and added the dust jacket for the taller of the two "5th state" Kalki bindings of the 1st printing of From the Hidden Way, *FHW-A1d2.

28th December 2015 - Golden Cockerel Press collector James Freemantle has graciously supplied The Silver Stallion with scans of both known trial bindings for the Golden Cockerel's "Special" issue of Jurgen, bound in full morocco by Sangorski & Suttcliffe, Hall *Jur-Ic and Hall *Jur-Id. Added a scan of the Prospectus for The Jewel Merchants in Lino-cuts, also provided to us by James Freemantle.

26th December 2015 - Added scans of a previously unreported binding variant of the 13th unillustrated John Lane printing of Jurgen, Hall *Jur-D13a (E).

14th December 2015 - Added scans of the 1st Modern Library printing of The Cream of the Jest, Hall CoJ-D1 (ML).

11th December 2015 - Added a scan of I.R. Brussel's Cabellian bookplate to the page for his A Bibliography of the Writings of James Branch Cabell: A Revised Bibliography, Hall F3/A21. Added scans and text concerning a letter from Cabell to Brussel discussing the illustrations to The Soul of Melicent, Hall Mel-A1.

1st December 2015 - Added a scan of the binding of a second copy of the 4th binding state of From the Hidden Way, Hall FHW-A1c.

30th November 2015 - Added a scan of a better example of the dust jacket for Whit Burnett's The World's Best, Hall A29. Added scans of better examples of the binding and dust jacket for the 1940 printing of the Modern Library edition of Jurgen, Hall *Jur-F3 (ML), as well as additional explanatory text. Modern Library printings of Cabell's books are proving to be an interesting and complicated puzzle to solve. We are still listing this printing, for now, as the 3rd ML Jurgen, but we believe that in the end it is likely to prove to be the 4th printing (at least!). Our coverage of Modern Library Cabell titles continues to be a work in progress, and will be revised as new information is developed.

24th November 2015 - Added scans of a 2nd version of the dust jacket for the 2nd Modern Library printing of Jurgen, Hall Jur-F2 (ML).

22nd November 2015 - Added a scan of a better condition binding of the Governors' Edition of The Rivet in Grandfather's Neck, Hall Riv-D2.

10th November 2015 - Added scans of the 5th John Lane printing of Jurgen, Hall Jur-D5 (E).

5th November 2015 - Added scans of the 2nd John Lane printing of The Silver Stallion, Hall SS-B2 (E). Added a scan of an additional binding color (brown) of the 1st Modern Library edition of Beyond Life, Hall BL-B1 (ML). Added scans of better copies of the binding and dust jacket for the 2nd John Lane printing of The First American Gentleman, Hall FG-B2 (E).

25th October 2015 - Added scans of the 2nd Kalki printing of the revised version of The Line of Love, Hall LoL-B2 (K). Added scans of The Booklover's Answer #3, Jan.-Feb. 1963 (Hall *F22), to the Previous Cabell Bibliographies section.

Added scans and information about Poor Jack, Hall K25. Hall places this "forgery sadly bungled" under his "Miscellaneous" K-series along with a various assortment of odds-and-ends, (including a soft core porn novel from the sixties that mentions Cabell in passing!). Given its notoriety when it was published, Poor Jack seems to us to merit a position more closely tied to "mainstream" Cabell that the "trifles found by moonlight" listed in Hall's K-series catch-all. For now at least, The Silver Stallion has followed Mrs. Brewer's lead and listed Poor Jack on the index page for The Line of Love, since the play is based on the 1923 revised version of "Love-Letters of Falstaff" as it appeared in the 1923 revised issue of the book, LoL-B1 (K). To be honest, we don't find this to be an entirely satisfactory solution. When, in future, we get around to adding a section on Cabelliana, we'll list Poor Jack there too. We are also at present in the process of revising and expanding the Cabellian Arts section. As a play, Poor Jack will also be listed in there.

20th October 2015 - Added scans of the 3rd Modern Library printing of Beyond Life in a Toledano style 7 binding, *BL-B3c (ML). We also note that the dust jacket information on the Index Page to Modern Library printings of Beyond Life needs to be revised. What's shown is correct, but more information is available and will be added soon (we hope).

16th October 2015 - Added a scan of the dust jacket for the 1919 2nd printing of Jurgen, Jur-A2. Added scans of the 1990 Italian translation of Figures of Earth, *FoE-Ital-1 (w).

10th October 2015 - Added scans of The World's Best, ed. by Whit Burnett (Hall A29) to the Cabell's Contributions to Books section. Added scans of The Booklover's Answer #16 (Hall F16) to the Previous Cabell Bibliographies section. Added scans of The Batchelor's Companion (Hall B11a) to the Reprints in Books section.

3rd October 2015 - Added scans of The Biography of Manuel: A Brief Bibliography (Kalki Vol. I No. 2, Hall F17) and A Manual of Non-Manuels (Kalki Vol. II No. 2, Hall F18) to the Previous Cabell Bibliographies section.

1st October 2015 - Added scans of the 3rd English printing of The Silver Stallion (Hall SS-B3 (E)).

26th September 2015 - Updated the Kalki Indices page to include all issues of Kalki Magazine except Volume I (still to come). Added scans of Prometheans, by Burton Rascoe (Hall A22, *A22a, *A22b, and *A22c) to the Cabell's Contributions to Books section.

22nd September 2015 - Added scans of two interesting bits of Cabelliana related to the Papé illustrated Jurgen (Jur-B1). The first of these is an article titled Papé's Illustrations for Cabell's "Jurgen" (Brewer A182), written by Burton Rascoe and published in The International Studio, January, 1922. The second is an "extra illustration" done by Frank Papé for Jurgen, but not used in the book. To our knowledge, this illustration, known as "Jurgen as an Old Man", has only been published once before, in a 1981 limited edition by Nelson Bond.

20th September 2015 - Added scans of This Is My Best, ed. by Whit Burnett (Hall A26), Intimate Portraits, by Barrett H. Clark (Hall *A37), and Straight Down a Crooked Lane, by Martha Byrd Porter (Hall *A38), to the section for Cabell's Contributions to Books (Hall A-series).

19th September 2015 - We've found another one! As mentioned below, several titles have been seen in Kalki type bindings, but without the logo. We've now located a copy of one of these, the 3rd Kalki printing of Chivalry, in a binding with the Kalki emblem. As we said we would, we've amended the designation by assigning Chiv-B3 to the version with the logo and *Chiv-B3a to the one without.

9th September, 2015 - Added a scan of Das Inselschiff, a small magazine published in 1928 by Insel-Berlag, the publishers of of the first German translation of Jurgen (Jur-Ger-1). This little advertising piece includes Chapter 42 of Jurgen as one of its offerings.

We have noticed a number of titles in the Kalki binding, but which lack the "stallion with all members rampant" logo on the front cover. Recently we have found that for one issue, the 5th Kalki printing of The Cords of Vanity, copies exist both with and without the logo. We have given the variant without the logo the new designation *CoV-C5a (K). We have not yet done this for the other titles noted without the logo: Chiv-B3 (K), Riv-A8 (K), CH-A4 (K), and CoJ-A9 (K). We have added an explanatory note to the description pages for each of them. When and if we find copies of these issues that bear the Kalki logo, we will amend the designations of the variant bindings.

5th September, 2015 - Added scans of On Parade: Caricatures by Eva Herrmann, edited by Erich Posselt (Hall B9).

4th September, 2015 - We have revised our page for the 1st printing of Jurgen in a variant cloth binding, *Jur-A1b, adding information from Matthew Bruccoli about this variant. Also based on Bruccoli's discussions, we have tentatively revised our classification of the 3rd printing in the same binding cloth from *Jur-A3a to Jur-A3. See the "Notes" section on the pages for these two issues for more discussion.

27th August 2015 - Added scans of the first English edition of Donald Corley's The House of Lost Identity (this printing not in Hall), to which we have assigned the number *A14b (E).

26th August 2015 - Added a scan of the prospectus for I.R. Brussel's James Branch Cabell: A Revised Bibliography, Hall A21 (and F3).

18th August 2015 - Added a scan of Richard LeGalliene's New York Times review (Brewer A120) to the pages for the first revised issues of The Cords of Vanity, Hall CoV-C1 (K), and Domnei, Hall Dom-A1 (K).

16th August 2015 - Added a new page for the 1952 E.P. Dutton reprint of The Worm Ouroboros, *A13a, which has a dust jacket blurb taken from the Cabell letter that originally appeared in the first American printing, Hall A13.

15th August 2015 - Added new information about the Cabell dust jacket blurb to our entry on E.R. Eddison's Mistress of Mistresses, Hall B12. Added additional information and a copy of an article from Kalki, vol. II no. 4, about the Cabell letter printed in the first American edition of Eddison's The Worm Ouroboros, Hall A13.

14th August 2015 - Added scans of the first (Hall A14) and second (Hall A14a) printings of The House of Lost Identity, by Donald Corley. Added scan of the dust jacket for Ballades from The Hidden Way, BHW-A1.

13th August 2015 - Added scans of the first English printing of The Cream of the Jest, CoJ-B1 (E).

12th August 2015 - Added new scans of a better copy, this time including the dustjacket, of the 1st English edition of The Line of Love, LoL-D1 (E).

10th August 2015 - Added scan of the dust jacket for the 5th state (Kalki binding) of the 1916 1st printing of From the Hidden Way, FHW-A1d.

9th August 2015 - Added scan of the elusive belly band for the 1926 1st American printing of The Worm Ouroboros, Hall A13.

8th August 2015 - Added scan of the dust jacket for the 7th Kalki printing of Figures of Earth, FoE-A7 (K).

7th August 2015 - Added scans of the second English printing of The First American Gentleman, FG-B2 (E). Upgraded scans of the binding and dust jacket for the 1931 Bonibooks printing of The High Place, HP-B1.

30th July 2015 - Added scans of German translations of Domnei and The Music from Behind the Moon (issued together as Die schönste allen Frauen, *Dom-Ger-1 (w)), The Silver Stallion (Der silberne Hengst, *SS-Ger-1 (w)), The Cream of the Jest (Das zerbrochene Siegel, *CoJ-Ger-1 (w)) and The High Place (Der verwunschene Ort, *HP-Ger-1 (w)). Added scans of a 1974 Swedish translation of Jurgen, *Jur-Sw-2 (w).

11th July 2015 - Added scans of the 4th Kalki printing of Domnei, Dom-A4 (K).

7th June 2015 - Added scan of the dust jacket for Morrow's Almanack and Every-Day-Book for 1930, Hall A16.

9th May 2015 - Added scans of The Smart Set Anthology, Hall B11. Also, work is continuing on adding scans of Cabell's work in periodicals.

5th May 2015 - Added scans of a 1997 German translation of Beyond Life, *BL-Ger-1.

2nd May 2015 - Added scans of a 1984 Spanish translation of Jurgen, *Jur-Span-1. Also, in case you haven't noticed, we've spent much of the last two months developing a new section on Cabell's original material first published in periodicals, newspapers, and magazines. This is still very much a work in progress. We're still experimenting with layout, so it may not be in its final form when you first see it, but so far we've uploaded over 60 of his 200+ short stories, poems, articles, reviews, and commentaries. If you have original copies of material of this sort and would like to assist, please contact our editor, Bill Lloyd.

14th March 2015 - Added scans of the Amereon Press edition of Jurgen, *Jur-Q1.

21st February 2015 - Added scans of the fifth Kalki printing of The Cords of Vanity, CoV-C5 (K). Added scans of the second Bodley Head printing of The King was in his Counting House, KCH-B2 (E).

14th February 2015 - Updated the page for the second English printing of Something About Eve, Eve-B2, by adding a better scan of the binding and a new scan of the dust jacket. Added scans of the 1971 reprint of Frances Brewer's James Branch Cabell - A Bibliography of his Writings, Biography, and Criticism, F4 (A30a).

6th February 2015 - Added a scan of the dust jacket for the 1917 first printing of The Cream of the Jest, CoJ-A1. Added scans of The Music From Behind the Moon in the trial binding, MBM-A1a.

17th January 2015 - Added scans of the 1970 reprint of Beyond Life, BL-E1, and Maurice Duke's 1968 Ph.D. thesis, James Branch Cabell's Library: A Catalogue, F6.

7th January 2015 - Added a scan and text showing the dust jacket for the 1921 John Lane edition of Jurgen illustrated by Frank Papé, Jur-B1.

24th December 2014 - Added scans of the 1949 Swedish translation of Jurgen.

4th December 2014 - Added scans of the 1949 Italian translation of The Nightmare Has Triplets - L'Incubo.

2nd December 2014 - Revised and updated the Other Bibliographies section to add works that include bibliographies of Cabell's work. Previously this section included only stand-alone Cabell bibliographies. This is by no means complete, and we will continue to add these when we find them.

20th November 2014 - Added scans of a better copy, with dust jacket, of the second printing of Smith, Smh-A2. Added scans of the fourth printing of The St. Johns, TSJ-A4. Added scans of the second John Lane printing of Domnei, Dom-B2.

5th September 2014 - Added scans of the 1980 reprint edition of The Devil's Own Dear Son, *DODS-C1. Added a scan of the Ballantine file copy of the 1969 first paperback edition of The Silver Stallion, SS-F1 (w). Added additional color variations of the Modern Library Style 3 & 4 bindings of Beyond Life, *BL-B1a (ML) and BL-B2 (ML). Added a scan of the permission slip insert for the Bechhofer article reprinted in the Papé illustrated Jurgen, Jur-B1 (P).

3rd September 2014 - Added scans of the second printing of Smith, Smh-A2.

2nd September 2014 - Added scans of The American Spectator Yearbook, Hall B10, to the Cabell's Contributions to Books: Reprints in Books section.

28th August 2014 - Added a previously unreported binding variant of the 3rd English printing (1st John Lane printing) of The Rivet in Grandfather's Neck, *Riv-C1b (E). Added a 2nd variation of dust jacket to the 2nd English printing of Domnei, Dom-B2a.

25th August 2014 - Added a link to the new VCU Flickr gallery of images of James Branch Cabell on our Cabell Pictures page.

23rd August 2014 - Added a previously unpublished (as far as we know, anyway) photograph of James Branch Cabell taken in August, 1918.

11th August 2014 - Added a short note on The Yale Review to The Art of James Branch Cabell index page (Hall E3).

8th August 2014 - Added a PDF file with excerpts from the February, 1932, issue of Wings, the magazine of The Literary Guild, to the page on The Literary Guild printing of These Restless Heads, TRH-A2a.

5th August 2014 - Added a new interview with Paul Spencer, two articles by Spencer, and a reprint of Cabell's story "As Played Before His Highness" to The Kalki Archives.

4th August 2014 - Completely revised the Modern Library section of Beyond Life.

28th July 2014 - Added photos of the 2nd printing of Carl Van Doren's James Branch Cabell (Hall A11). Added photos of Goudy: An Acrostic (Hall A25). Added photos of the Ellen Glasgow envelope to the Of Ellen Glasgow page (Hall OEG-A1).

13th July 2014 - Development continues. Added some new photos to the Cabell Pictures page.

12th January 2014 - Added a new page - Notes and Essays, with a link to an essay on James Branch Cabell and Ellen Glasgow.

26th October 2013 - Added a new page - Contributors and Friends of The Silver Stallion. Added scans of The Works of James Branch Cabell Vol. I-XVIII (The Storisende Edition) and the "Red Storisende" Bindings.

25th October 2013 - Uploaded scans and PDF's of the elusive Of Ellen Glasgow, OEG-A1. This is a major milestone for The Silver Stallion - we now have scans of at least one state of EVERY Cabell first edition. In case you hadn't noticed, we've also added Taboo in Lino-Cuts to the Cabellian Arts section.

20th October 2013 - There has been continuous development of the bibliography section since our last update to the What's New page. We have added hundreds of photos, including many (if not most) of the various issues of Cabell's numerous works. We can now present photos of at least one variation of the first printing of every Cabell title except Of Ellen Glasgow. So far, all of the Cabell title scans have come from works in the collections of the editor or webmaster, but neither one of us have a copy of OEG-A1. We are requesting your help - can some kind reader please come to our rescue by providing scans for us to publish? And not only that one - if you can provide scans of any issues we don't have posted, we will be grateful. Of course, any photos you submit will be attributed to you and you will retain copyright. Additionally, you will be added to our Honor Roll of contributors.

As you'll notice, we have been concentrating on photographing, scanning, and uploading pictures of the different titles. We still have a lot of heavy lifting to do in order to turn this site into a genuinely useful bibliography. If any of our readers would like to volunteer to assist us in this huge effort, please email the editor. Assistance in this will get your name on our Honor Roll, too.

In addition to the work on the main bibliography, we have published scans of most titles in the Other Writing by Cabell: Original Material in Books and Other Writing by Cabell: First Appearance in Books of Periodical Material sections. These are based on Hall's "A" and "B" series listings, expanded and (where necessary) corrected.

In the section on Writings about Cabell, we have substantially completed the scans for the sections on Critical and Biographical works and Other Bibliographies. These are based on Hall's "E" and "F" series listings, again expanded and (where necessary) corrected.

And finally, we have redone the Cabellian Arts section, and added new scans of The Jewel Merchants in Lino-Cuts. More to come soon in this section, including works by the Silver Stallion's Artist-in-Residence (virtual) Mike Keith.

8th March 2013 - Added a new section: Special Features. This section will include articles on various subjects related to James Branch Cabell, which we will archive and replace from time-to-time. Our Silver Stallion Special Feature No. 1 is titled Cabell and Machen Through the Decades - Three Essays. General revision to SS front page. Continuing to add new titles and pictures to the Bibliographies.

3rd March 2013 - Continuing to add new titles and pictures to the Bibliographies. Added the new Letters to the Editor feature page.

18th February 2013 - Added a new page - Trifles Found by Moonlight, featuring unusual and entertaining bits of Cabell-related trivia, poems, anecdotes, and what-have-you.

15th February 2013 - Revised the Kalki Indices and Tables of Contents page to add scans of the covers of each issue.

9th February 2013 - Uploaded a new section called From the Kalki Archives. This section discusses Kalki, one of the two Cabell journals founded in the second half of the 1960s (The other was The Cabellian, which we plan to address in future). The section has three parts: (a) Kalki Indices and Tables of Contents - the first installment has been uploaded; (b) From the Kalki Archives - where we will reprint selections from the magazine - the first upload is an article by W.L. Godshalk titled "James Branch Cabell at William and Mary: The Education of a Novelist", which appeared in Kalki, Vol II, No.4, Whole No.8 (1968); and (c) Special Features - the first of which is an interview with Professor William L. Godshalk, by our editor Bill Lloyd. We've published part 1 of this interview, with the second installment to come in the near future.

8th February 2013 - Still working on bringing new features on line. Uploaded the first issue of the Cabell Pictures page, with photographs of the the Cabell family gravesite, taken by Jim Glanville. This page will showcase contemporary and historic photos, drawings, artwork, cartoons, and other images related to James Branch Cabell that have been submitted by our readers.

20th January 2013 - We are continuing development of the site. Most of the pictures (those that we have available) for works originally issued prior to 1915 have been uploaded. We request help from you, the reader, to supply pictures of issues of these early titles that we don't yet have on the site. In a few cases (Chivalry is the most complete at the moment), we have also uploaded the text portion of the entries. Pictures and occasionally text have been uploaded for a handful of later titles, too; search the site and you might get lucky! We have also rebuilt the front page and its index (Yet again! Development continues...) and added a number of other features, including Editor Bill Lloyd's Why a site devoted to James Branch Cabell?, which is probably about as close as we are going to come to a "Mission Statement".

8th January 2013 - The Silver Stallion is officially unveiled on The Rabble Discuss Cabell.